Bassam’s 5 hours flight on a great October soaring day with cloud bases over 6,000ft.
Lily soloed! CONGRATULATIONS! Your hard practice paid off. Well done!
Bassam flew to SCOH today and completed his Silver Badge requirements…. Congratulations!
It took 9 Thermals and 1 hour and 27 minutes to get to SCOH with a speed of 34mph. Cool!
Andrew soloed today! CONGRATULATIONS! Way to go....
Meet our new minted XC pilots.....! Great job guys!
What a team....BuBu!
Connor Tiegs completed Racetrack task...WELL Done!
Who can do it too? Anybody faster…? Reach out to our XC pilots if you have any questions. Send your IGC file to to receive your auto-generated score. Post your result on the “Proving Grounds” magnet board in our kitchen.
GRIP Team meets with Soil Specialist Stacie Villareal
The GHSA Runway Improvement Plan Team lead by Gordon Wingate continues to explore measures we can take to prevent the formation of crevasses during long dry spell conditions like the one we experienced last year. The Team reviewed the soil sample results and prepared many questions Stacie was able to answer.
Thanks to Susan's idea our garden starts looking beautiful....!
Bring some more white stones please to make it perfect……! Thanks, to those who already did! Enjoy your time at our clubhouse with garden view.
That rusty railing could use some white paint, too.
GHSA Team supporting the 38th World Glider Championship in Uvalde, TX
Garner Air Field before launching. Towplanes launched 66 gliders in 45 minutes.