Mowing Season is open..... :)

Thanks a lot Ferenc on the tractor and Dan on the Zero Turn to get the field in shape….Susan Gibbs finished he remaining Zero Turn areas a day later. What a team…!

Last day of the year and Himendra did it! Congratulations soloing in the Blanik today!

Himendra Palisetty shown with Michael Hunter (CFI). And here comes the shower…. :)

Nice Day at GHSA with unexpected heavy rain shower at the end....

We managed to beat the rain securing all airplanes in the hangar except Trevor our tow pilot, who took a bath (Kurt, Victor, Griffin, Trevor, Bassam, Philippe and Ananya). Great job Team!

We went from no rain with a shower to the West of the field to a heavy deluge 10 min later when the cold front moved in from the Northwest shown on the right on the way home on Hwy 59.

29 flights today! Welcome new members Miller, Lily, Lance, Andrew, Raghav and Kurt at GHSA.

Tung, Manolo, Dan, Andrew, Kurt, Michael, Sree, Raghav, Lily, Lance, Miller and Pablo.

GHSA Fall Workday this Saturday......

Thanks for everybody coming out. We made great progress on replacing our ramp, cleaning the club house, improving the South part of the runway, changing door rollers in the hangar and more… Thanks again Beth for cooking and serving a nice lunch.