Congratulations Connor and Manolo for completing your first contest tasks and thanks to all of you who provided the support on the ground…. Keep enjoying these great cloud streets before the soaring season ends. Shown is Mike’s Genesis II.
Friday flying....
Hot, some clouds turning blue later in the day with strong lift and sink. Cross Country training with Varun. KQ, U1 and OA in the air.
Bassam solos....!
CONGRATULATIONS Bassam. Your smile is priceless. We are all happy for you. Well done!
Today Connor accomplished all Silver Badge requirements (1,000m Altitude Gain, 5-hour Flight, 50km Distance) flying the club’s Grob 102 glider. CONGRATULATIONS!
Connor shown left after his flight with his dad visiting from South Africa.
New Golf Cart is coming to GHSA! Thank you for your donations that made it possible.
What do you do when the "Music" stops.....?
On the way back from Navasota clouds in the South had overdeveloped, towering high and spreading out creating a huge shadow that caused all thermal activity to seize. Time to check for your nearest airport to land. It was Gloster Aerodome today….
TX Cross Country Series at GHSA this weekend...
Thanks to all the great help we staged successfully 2 days of competition and instructed our students at the same time. Great job GHSA team….
Highways in the sky…Gorgeous cloud streets today over our field!
Source: College of DuPage view localized sector; visible (red)
Is the Grob Trailer ready?
Nor heat or rain stopped the team to check out the trailer. Well done, Connor, Dave B., and Manolo with advice from Dean and David C. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED and ready for the next Cross Country Flight…. :)
Congratulations Ilian and Anton passing your Private Glider Pilot check ride
Hot Weather, Hot News! Two more Private Glider Pilots at GHSA. Awesome!!!!!
The TEAM: CFI-G Michael next to Anton, Tony (DPE), Ilian, CFI-G Mike and Tow Pilot Craig.
Outlanding in Cornfield....
David B. landed out today in the cornfield East of GHSA. He is ok and will share his experience in the next membership meeting so we all can learn from it. The farmer was informed of the damage.